Following its official global launch, KeplerSwap plans to launch public sales on 26 Sept. It's a worthwhile moment to wait. Let's Share certain ways you can benefit from KeplerSwap.
Lots of expectations and events currently taking place to visualize how worthwhile the Project is gonna be.
With the serious momentum in the DeFi 2.0 space, KeplerSwap has come to stay, for the ordinary people, you either join or join. It's still slamming in the community with Airdrops left, right and center with public sale around the corner. $SDS is said to be valued at $4 upon listing.
Today, we'll discuss ways to engage profits before and while listing takes place.
In KeplerSwap, every KeplerSwap transaction's proportional amount is collected to LUCKY POOL Lottery and runs every 7 days of accrual, which takes random number calculation and therefore is difficult to cheat. Eleven lucky users are randomly selected from the lottery, one of them withdraws 50 percent of it, and the rest of 10 users share the balance 50% of the draws, i.e. if the pool has $200,000, then one user takes $100,000 from it and the remaining 10 people take $10,000 each.
To participate in this opportunity, there are two basic requirements which are:
-Listed among the top 30% of the liquidity yield sum.
-You must be Listed as one of the highest 30% among those recommended to be part of the liquidity Farming.
Direct referral means that in your lifetime the only connection between you and the party which you recommend is effective. If a Boy refers to a Girl for KeplerSwap, for instance, the former can earn income from every deal made by Girl in KeplerSwap. In addition, 95% of all KeplerSwap transaction fees are paid to all platform users.
You can also gain through direct reference to liquidity farming.
Don't miss out on the golden opportunity before you today. Keplerswap has come to stay and eradicate problems we encountered from the first generation of DeFi.
Join keplerswap today!